Grow & protect the advantages that make your business special.

Essential Intellectual Property strategy and execution for high-growth companies

Services that augment your expertise

Our name Rapid Alpha reflects our desire to help Small and Medium Enterprises realize their competitive edge with speed. We are a turn-key innovation management & intellectual property department ready to deliver you actionable insights and opportunities so you can focus on achieving competitive advantage.


From educating internal groups that create intellectual property on the value of IP and laws governing filings, to receiving and evaluating invention disclosure statements for filing, leverage our decades of experience in building world-class Intellectual Property portfolios

Market-Driven Specifications

Our unique approach to portfolio development ensures you will have an Intellectual Property portfolio that can pivot with your business, or support commercialization of your Intellectual Property in new industry verticals

Maximize Innovation Capture

From educating inventing groups on the value of IP and laws governing filings, to receiving and evaluating invention disclosure statements for filing, leverage our decades of experience in building world-class Intellectual Property portfolios

Filings Groomed for Commercialization

From filing to issuance, there will always be a plan to deliver business value for every patent pending application and issuance. Once issued, your Intellectual Property can be immediately placed into a number of commercialization programs

Support for Portfolio Protection Decisions

Our process of combining market, business, and legal analysis provides the same validation of your Intellectual Property used in actual IP transactions

Custom Metrics Tracking

We provide valuable feedback throughout the portfolio development process to make sure you are actively culling your portfolio when your ROI cannot be met, holding steady when our filing assumptions have been validated, and redoubling efforts when new opportunities present themselves to drive outsized returns

Research & Development Planning

Whether you wish to raise more capital, make better R&D investments, speed products to market with greater efficiency, you can achieve greater success with strategic IP planning from the project planning outset.

Successful product launches trace their roots back to the Research and Development planning phase. Rapid Alpha offers strategic research, IP planning, and project monitoring services as a complete turn-key solution or force multiplier to your product development team.

Bring a third-party perspective to minimize R&D blind spots that are material to the R&D planning phase. Our business intelligence report surfaces critical information from technical documents, market information, and know-how gleaned from published patent documents. This effort helps Subject Matter Experts focus on formulating plans rather than the searching exercise.

Identify high-value intellectual property and monitor its development. Proactively account for to Freedom To Operate issues and identify high-value offensive and defensive strategies to protect your intellectual property rights. Speed discussions with partners and customers with market comps and align business unit negotiations with near-term and long-term goals.