Do you want to create more addictive experience with your displays?

Blink's gaze detection allows users to control
a screen, seemingly with their mind!

Blink's gaze detection allows users to control
a screen, seemingly with their mind!

Click here to find out how Blink can help you
create a more compelling viewing experience.

Click here to find out how Blink can help you
create a more compelling viewing experience.

See Blink in action!

With a basic web camera, a consumer is able to control the menu on the display screen over a meter away!

Access our Vimeo profile to watch more use cases

Blink Technology’s software is accurate at medium and long ranges:

In mid-ranges domain, we target mobile devices, tablets, and laptops. We provide a software-only solution that enables built-in cameras to perform face and eye tracking, with no additional hardware required.  We support a wide range of applications, including Windows 11 eye control. 

In long-ranges domain, we target retail scenarios (e.g., smart shops, point-of-sale (POS), and billboards) that require long range (e.g., more than 1.5 m) face and eye tracking support.  We provide the only viable solution on the market for accurate inference determination for e-commerce, access control, and other applications at longer distances. 

Our KPIs

Deployment Capabilities and Technical specifications

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Main Headquarters: 

125 University Ave Palo Alto California, 94301 USA 

Research & Development:

Shaar Palmer Street 2, 3303140 Haifa, Israel 

Corporate Development:

2121 North Pearl Street; Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75201 USA

About us

Blink’s vision is to create the ultimate interaction between the human eye and the world around us. With our eyes being the last defensible feature of our owned-IP, we use it to develop advanced AI based software that vastly improves our ability to communicate and interact with everyday life challenges. Focused on several industry verticals, including Mobile-devices, Automotive, Retail, Consumer Goods, Security & Privacy, Blink is leading the way in developing “A-Eye” technology for the modern world